Friday, July 3, 2009

The Mosquitos

Okay well a lot has happened since my last post but all I can think about now is the damn mosquitos. They are everywhere and are relentless.

Okay so that was my rant about them.

Besides that let me think of where to start. After we finished our soccer game on Tuesday we all went to bed and woke up bright and early, ate breakfast and got on the train to Brussels Central. We got there and hooked up with our teachers and from there we headed out to the Comic Strip Museum. I had a lot of fun there recognizing many comics that I read as a kiddo. One of the most popular one's at the museum was Tin Tin. It was really great to see Tin Tin again and read up on him.

After that we visited another museum and then began our Art Nouveau trip. We saw about 5 different places all over Brussels that were amazing and really great representations of Art Nouveau.

Okay so we finish up and walk back to the train station to head to Leuven. We are sitting in the train station, the train pulls up and we all get on, except one guy who was waiting for another guy getting a milkshake. Okay so they missed the train. So we laughed about it and the train left and we were headed back to Leuven. Well we got to the next stop and people started murmuring and realized that WE had gotten on the wrong train. So in a mad rush we all ran to get off the train and right as I got to the doors SLAM!!! the doors swung shut and I couldn't open them. Luckily my friend Austin also got stuck with me, so again we had a laugh with our friends outside and went and sat down and continued on to the next stop (thinking that we would just hop on a train going the opposite way).

So me and Austin got to the next stop, got off and saw a train coming from the opposite direction. When it stopped we hopped on and waited for it to leave. Well when it did it reversed directions and went the opposite way that we needed to go. At this point we both really had to laugh because of how muddled things had gotten. We ended up befrending a ticket lady on board and she wrote down directions for us on how to get back. We ended up getting off the train an hour outside of Leuven. Well we had to wait there another hour for the train and got back on and rode it all the way back to Leuven.

The irony of this whole thing was that the two guys who we had left at Brussels central were the first to get back to the hostel and Austin and I were last.

But all in all it was a fun day. We got back and went and played a few hours of soccer.

To put the icing on the cake, we all came home from soccer dead tired (we had played on a field and ran a lot more) so we all came home, showered and crashed. It was actually the first night that I slept good. Our plans for the next day (Friday/today) was to wake up and catch a train at 9:35. So having a good nights sleep I suddenly woke up in the morning to Sam yelling "OH SHIT, IT'S 9:30!!!!!" Our alarm (a phone) had died in the middle of the night so our phone never went off.

In a mad rush we threw on clothes, no time for deoderant or brushing teeth. We ran down the stairs, taking 4 or 5 at a time, and sprinted out of the hostel down into the tunnel and up the stairs to the platform. Ten seconds later the train showed up. So we were in clothes, were hot and sweaty, smelled and hadn't eaten. We got lucky because the day was overcast and there was a strong breeze so it helped a lot.

Now I am back at the hostel and we are about to watch a movie called In Bruges. You may ask why and this is because in the morning we are heading out at 8:30 for Brugge. We will stay there Saturday night and Sunday is a free day so we will spend the ENTIRE day on the beach relaxing.

I heard there was a few nudist beaches so I will...try and stay away.

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